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PROJECT AND INITIATIVE VALUE PERCEN TAGE Outsource third - party advertising team $456,000 44% Research and development $456,000 44% Staff expansion and onboarding $123,000 12% TOTAL $1,035,00 0 100% 08 RESEARCH PROPOSAL PROPOSED BUDGET For fiscal 2026 projects Project proposals are outlines that describe the steps being taken to complete a project. It can be used in practically any industry, as long as it contains all the important details. This includes the research behind the project, the basic idea and its relationship to the brand, and what needs to be implemented to achieve the project. A good way to start your project proposal is by summarizing your idea. List the reasons behind it, the people involved, your own involvement, and how much the overall project will cost. Add your objectives and pay particular attention to the problems you’re trying to solve with your idea. YOUR COMPANY NAME

Friendly Professional General Proposal - Page 6 Friendly Professional General Proposal Page 5 Page 7