Fairfield U Admissions
Fairfield University Fairfield, Connecticut
Contents • Welcome • Visit Fairfield • Apply to Fairfield • Life at Fairfield • Resources & Contact
CCoolllleeggee sshhoouulldd bbee mmoorree tthhaann jjuusstt aa mmeeaannss ttoo aann eenndd.. IItt sshhoouulldd bbee aan n intintellectual ellectual journejourney y thathat t prprofofoundly oundly changes changes yyou—oou—o!!eerriinngg aa ddeeeepp aaccaaddeemmiic c eexxppeerriieennccee tthhaatt ggooeess bbeeyyoonndd tthhee ccllaassssrroooomm aanndd tthhee CCoommmmeenncceemmeennt t ssttaaggee.. BBuutt tthheenn aaggaaiinn,, nnoott eevveerryy sscchhooooll ccaann bbee lliikkee FFaaiirrffiieelldd UUnniivveerrssiittyy. . THIS IS YOUR TIME TThhee mmoommeenntt yyoouu aarrrriivvee oonn ccaammppuuss,, yyoouu’’llll ffiinndd tthhaatt wwee’’rree mmuucchh mmoorre e tthhaann aa uunniivveerrssiittyy.. WWee’’rree 220000 aaccrreess ooff iinnssppiirraattiioonn——aann iiddyylllliicc hhaavveenn aalloonng g CCoonnnneeccttiiccuutt’’ss ssoouutthheerrnn ccooaasstt tthhaatt’’ss ccoommmmiitttteedd ttoo ccuullttiivvaattiinngg mmiinndd,, bbooddyy,, aannd d spspiririt it ththrroougugh h an an acactitivvee ssttududenent t bbodody y aandnd a a 5500-00-yyeearar-o-old ld JesJesuiuit t ttrradiaditition.on. 1

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st A 21 CENTURY EDUCATION 500 YEARS IN THE MAKING At Fairfield University, we believe how you learn is as important as what you learn. That’s why we created an integrated curriculum that not only provides an enriching education in your chosen major, but also gives you the freedom to pursue your passions, explore new disciplines, and discover multiple career paths. Every step of the way, your professors will be in your corner, challenging you when you need to be challenged and supporting you when you need extra help. When you combine this academic approach with 500 years of Jesuit tradition, you get a much deeper experience that educates the entirety of you—helping you reach your full intellectual and personal potential. So not only will you be able to navigate the road ahead, you’ll have the tools and guidance to pave new ones. 3
FFaairirffiieelldd bbyy tthhee NNumberumberss 98% TOP 1% TOP 20% #3 REPORTED SUCCESS FOR LONG TERM VALUE BEST COLLEGES IN AMERICA IN NORTHERN RATE FOR THE — Georgetown University Study — Money Magazine REGIONAL UNIVERSITIES CLASS OF 2020* — U.S. News & World Report 4,354 TOP 20 36 53 UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOLS WITH THE STATES REPRESENTED COUNTRIES REPRESENTED STUDENTS HAPPIEST STUDENTS — The Princeton Review 49 25 100+ 20 UNDERGRADUATE INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AVERAGE CLASS SIZE MAJORS MINORS AND CLUBS 1,159 20 12:1 80+ GRADUATE STUDENTS NCAA DIVISION 1 STUDENT TO FACULTY RATIO STUDY ABROAD VARSITY ATHLETICS PROGRAMS ** SucSucccesess rs raatte re refefers ters to the pero the perccentage of entage of ststuuddeennttss tthhaatt sseeccuurreedd ffuullll--ttiimmee pprroofefessssiioonnaall eemmppllooyymmeenntt,, aaddmmiissssiioonn ttoo ggrraadduuaatte e pprrooggrraammss,, oorr ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn iinn vvoolluunntteeeerr sseerrvviiccee prprogrogramsams six six months months aftafter grer graduaaduatiotion.n. 5
FR Visit Fairfield See yourself as a Stag. With easy access to major cities, interstates, airports, and train lines, Fairfield University is a convenient place to visit. We’d love the opportunity to meet you in person and truly believe that visiting campus is the best way to get a sense of everything our University has to offer. 4
On-Campus Visit FR Explore our home. Tours & Information Sessions • We want you to have the opportunity to experience our beautiful campus to help you decide if Fairfield is the right fit for you!
Virtual Visit FR Can’t make it to campus? We’ll bring the experience to you. Virtual Tour Information Session Counselor Meeting • Explore our campus from • Fairfield University admissions • We are offering admitted students wherever you are. representatives offer virtual the opportunity to schedule a info sessions to prospective virtual meeting with an admission students to learn more about counselor to assist as the final the Fairfield experience. We college decision is made. welcome you to engage with us and ask questions during the session.
Admissions Interviews FR Get to know each other. Schedule an Online Interview • Help us get to know you by signing up for an online interview with an admission counselor or a current student. While interviews are an evaluative part of the application process, they are not required for admission to the University.
FR Apply to Fairfield Join our community. Applying to college is an important moment. We're here to guide you through the application process.
Application Process FR Our Approach The admission process at Fairfield University is holistic. Our belief in the importance of a thorough and careful review of all aspects of your application reflects our mission as a Jesuit institution. We seek to educate the whole person, and our admission practices reflect that goal. Learn More
2021-2022 Deadlines FR Admissions Option Application Deadline Notification By Early Decision I November 15, 2021 December 15 Early Decision II January 15, 2022 February 15 Regular Decision January 15, 2022 April 15
FR Life at Fairfield Make the most of your time as a Stag. Understand all that Fairfield has to offer before you even arrive, and seize every opportunity that suits your interests.
Mind. Body. Spirit. 25 Academic/15 Cultural Clubs 20 NCAA Division I Varsity Teams Campus Ministry 15 Performing Arts Groups 25+ Sports Clubs Service Learning Opportunities 30+ Community and Civic Engagement Groups 25+ Intramural Activities Living and Learning Communities Professional Development Programs Student Newspaper, Radio, and TV Station Start-of-the-Art Recreation Complex Liturgy and Worship Opportunities for Various Faiths Fairfield University Art Museum 50+ Free Fitness & Exercise Classes Off-Campus Retreats Quick Center for the Arts 25-Meter Indoor Pool International and Domestic Immersion Experiences 9

Thank You. Office of Undergraduate Admission (203) 254-4100 [email protected] https://www.fairfield.edu/